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Loughborough University

We embrace the opportunity to produce the best surfaces possible for young and ambitious athletes.

Olympic Park London 2012

Who would you turn to to prepare a surface suitable for the world’s best athletes ?

Hyde Park

Talbot has, for the last eight years, been responsible for the remediation works following Winter Wonderland.

Derby Arboretum

Derby Arboretum

Talbot Landscapes are fortunate to have Derby City Council as a customer and have completed contracts in Derby Arboretum.

Stade de France

We are familiar with the exacting standards necessary in elite and international sports surfaces. We can mobilise our specialist equipment and skilled personnel to international venues.

Services in public parks

We have conducted contracts at Grade I, Grade II* and Grade II listed landscapes. Some examples of Grade I include, Hyde Park, Windsor Great Park, Regents Park and very local to us the ancestral home of Lord Curzon the beautiful Kedleston Hall.